1. Dinner at the always delicious, La Botana. We've been going to this restaurant since it was a little nothing hole-in-the-wall place you'd miss if you didn't know to look for it. We've watched it grow and gotten to know the staff (my parents have gotten some of the servers to sign cards they sent me).
2. Went to the cheapie movie theatre and saw Unkown with Dad and Mom-Mom. It was an exciting, sit on the edge of your seat, cover your eyes with your fingers kind of movie--not wholly memorable, but definitely worth the $2.50 we paid to see it.
3. I bought two must-have movies from Wal-Mart: Bridget Jones's Diary and Sabrina (starring Audrey Hepburn).
4. Shopping the the nice, new, swanky Goodwill. I bought 3 pairs of pants and 3 shirts for $24. THEN I went to the outlet center right next door and found a beautiful yellow chenille bedspread that is easily 60ish years old. The outlet center charges by the pound. The bedspread was 3.7 pounds and cost a whopping $5.24. Here's a picture of it:
It is perfectly lovely and makes me want to be a refined lady of the 1950s who dresses like this:
and bake things like this:
5. Bought some delicous loose leaf tea (butterfly lavender green tea) and bought mom some cherry black tea.
6. Ate a yummy lunch at the Carving Board.
7. Went shopping with Mom at Stein-Mart and she was kind enough to buy me this dress:
8. Then my wonderful Joshua joined us for dinner (he was in town reffing a soccer game). We ate at a Mediterranean restaurant called Mooney's. It was pretty tasty. I had chicken over fetoosh.
9. Sunday was supposed to be warm and sunny, but it was anything but! Dreary, foggy, dampish...it just made me want to go back to sleep. I persevered, though, and decided to take myself out to Cafe Roche. They were playing Mumford & Son, had a Sunday paper out to peruse, and also had some declious baked goods. I got the vegan chocolate banana muffin.
10. From there, I decided that while it was a bit blah outside, the weather wasn't so terrible that I couldn't go to my favorite place in Winston-Salem: Reynolda Gardens.
I always make a few trips there throughout the spring/summer to snap a few flower pictures. One might say, in fact, that I am a teensy bit obsessed with flower pictures. And they would be right. I was hoping more would be in bloom yesterday, but found that the garden hadn't quite had its spring awakening yet. I did snap a few nice ones, though.
11. From there, I enjoyed a taco soup and grilled cheese lunch date with my parents and grandma, and caught the tail end of the original Father of the Bride. It's a pretty delightful movie, though I'm not sure it beats the Steve Martin version.
12. From there I hopped in my car and drove to Shelby. Josh and I had a great afternoon and evening which included the following: time out on the patio to put our tent together, a spontaneous bike ride, dinner at Chen's, and evening patio time to enjoy a fire in the chimenea (and a discussion about Buddhism and Christianity).
All in all, it was a pretty perfect weekend.
Coming up this weekend at the new job: a 2 night/3 day Campus Crawl tout with the high school group I work with. College tours! Family Fun night! Swimming! Brixx pizza! Bobcats game! It will be hectic and fun. Coming up this weekend is........NOTHING IN PARTICULAR! I'll have a 3 day weekend (Friday-Sunday). Friday will probably be recovery from the trip, which may or may not include a massive room cleaning. Saturday will be tailgate markets and simply enjoying the town I live in (weather permitting, of course). Sunday will be bakery (duh) and beginng to ready myself for the upcoming FLORIDA trip.
Oh, there are many things to look forward to. And I am thankful for them.
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