The summer has been...eventful. After school program transitioned to summer camp: 4 days a week...10 hours a day. I'm not going to lie: It was a bit maddening. Waking up at 6 a.m. every morning...making sure everything was planned perfectly and having plans B and C in mind in case plan A imploded...having to deal with the kiddos for 10 (ten...TEN...TEN) hours each day...getting off work and not wanting to do anything that dealt with talking, listening, or moving in general. It wasn't terrible--most days were actually pretty fun, but by the end of the summer I definitely felt (and felt I resembled) this:
Pleased to meet you.
On top of work, nearly every weekend was booked solid: roadtrip to MI to visit the boy's family, a mountain excursion weekend with my mama, a family reunion, helping the boy move, visiting a friend in NJ, etc...etc... To say I feel drained is an understatement, but I wouldn't have been able to do half of those fun weekend trips if I still worked at my former place of employment, so I'll just keep my mouf shut!
Oh, and I had new roommates this summer. Four of them. The first two did NOT work out...and so then I got two more. That is another story for another day, though.
There's so much more I could say--things to say about my job and how the program I work with lost funding, things to say about "growing up" (I may be nearly 27, but I still don't have this "adult thing" figured out), things to say about stress, things to say about having my two best friends move away, things to say about how excited I am because I'm taking a photography class this Saturday...
But we don't have to have all the fun right now. We'll save some more for later. Until then, heeeeeeere's KITTY:
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