
"Is that poop on your pants??"

Relationships are about compromise. Give a little...take a little. Josh, my boo, is just about the most giving-est guy out there. He constantly surprises me with fun out-of-the-blue gifts, treats me to meals out, and just generally makes me feel like one lucky lady. Well, with all that giving, comes the taking. And what this boy likes to take is the last bite of my ... *insert meal or snack here*.

Last bite of my eggs...
Constant bites of the meal I ordered while he only picks at his meal...
Sips of my wine...
Stealing the last bit of my eggs...
And the other nice, he tried swiping the last bite of my chocolate dipped shortbread cookie from The French Broad Chocolate Lounge.

I don't always catch his sneakery--I must cough or blink or be people-watching in the exact moment he decides to take my food. This time was no different. One second my last chocolatey shortbread morsel was there...and then it wasn't! I knew exactly who the culprit was. He played coy, pretended like he didn't know what I was talking about, but there was no way he couldo deny this. I gave him a hard time about it, but we eventually laughed about it and left the Chocolate Lounge.

Later on, back at my house, I noticed some brown marks on the back of Josh's khaki pants...right smack-dab on his ass. I pointed them out and told him he must have sat in something. He then walked somberly over to my bed where I sat and sat next to me. He said, "Well, Katie, there's something I need to tell you. Remember that chocolate cookie I took from your plate?"

"Of course I do...it was my cookie that I wanted to EAT!"

"Well," he said, "I didn't eat it. I ended up throwing it away when we left the chocolate lounge."

And then it alllll made sense. He took my cookie. I caught him red-handed before he had a chance to  eat it. As he held the chocolate cookie in his hand, it melted and he ended up wiping the melted chocolate from his hand on the back of his perfectly khaki pants.

HA! Karma'll get you! Those were the only pants he brought with him for the weekend and so he spent the rest of his time in Asheville walking around with what looked like smeared poo.

The End.

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