
The Time Has Come!

After 381 days, I can now say BUH-BYYYYYYE to the job that very nearly sucked my soul away. My job was, if you will, a dementor and every time I went to work I felt like I'd never be happy again. I got by with a little help from my friends (and parents and boyfriend and Golden Girls). However, in the process I became one of those people who stopped cleaning out their car, collecting such flotsam and jetsam as a million mugs and travel mugs, clothes, shoes, lip balm, a satchel of lavender, and other things that need not be mentioned. I stopped cleaning my room and stopped making my bed, which is NEVER a good sign for me. I also stopped reading (a former favorite pastime), hated putting any effort into making meals, and just generally felt BLEH.

But tomorrow I will sit in my boss's office and say that I've had a job opportunity arise that I cannot say no to. I have come full circle and will be returning to work (full time WITH benefits) to the after school/summer program for at risk high school youth. My heart soars. I will be back working at a nonprofit that I support and identify with. I will go back to working with colleagues and the same students I worked with over a year ago (and will get to know some new ones). I will only be required to work 40 hours per week. I will have regular weekends on Saturday and Sunday. I can go to the doctor and only need to pay a co-pay!

Life is beyond good.

Also, I just bought my very first camping sleeping bag. Thank you, REI-outlet.

And with the gushing of good news comes the resolve to get back to the Katie-approved life I had before The Job of Terror. This includes keeping a junk-free car, making an effort to organize my room and working to keep it orderly, taking time to invest in the hobbies I love, and challenging myself to dive into new projects instead of slinking off to bed, too tired to contemplate anything other than whether or not I want to fall asleep on my right side or left side.

Oh, don't think I'm on cloud 9, too high to face reality. With any job comes frustrations and bad days, but I'm so relieved to be going back to the frustration and challenges of working with these high school kids.

And now I'm going to make my bed so that I can get in soon, sleep, and then test myself on whether I'll make it in the morning!

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